A simple statement like “4 + 5” defines an Operator. In this case, the numbers 4 and 5 are called operands, while the addition symbol + is called the operator. The following types of operators can be used in VBA:
- Arithmetic Operators:
- Comparison Operators:
- Logical Operators:
- Concatenation Operator:
- Assignment Operator:
1.Arithmetic Operators:
Addition (+): Used to add two values together. For example: result = 5 + 3
Subtraction (-): Used to subtract one value from another. For example: result = 10 – 5
Multiplication (*): Used to multiply two values. For example: result = 2 * 3
Division (/): Used to divide one value by another. For example: result = 10 / 2
Modulus (): Returns the remainder of a division operation. For example: result = 10 3 (result will be 1)
2.Comparison Operators:
Equal to (=): Compares two values for equality. For example: result = (5 = 5) (result will be True)
Not equal to (<>): Compares two values for inequality. For example: result = (5 <> 3) (result will be True)
Greater than (>): Checks if one value is greater than another. For example: result = (10 > 5) (result will be True)
Less than (<): Checks if one value is less than another. For example: result = (3 < 5) (result will be True)
Greater than or equal to (>=): Checks if one value is greater than or equal to another. For example: result = (5 >= 5) (result will be True)
Less than or equal to (<=): Checks if one value is less than or equal to another. For example: result = (3 <= 5) (result will be True)
3.Logical Operators:
AND: Performs a logical AND operation. For example: result = (True And False) (result will be False)
OR: Performs a logical OR operation. For example: result = (True Or False) (result will be True)
NOT: Performs a logical negation. For example: result = Not True (result will be False)
4.Concatenation Operator:
Ampersand (&): Used to concatenate (join) strings together. For example: result = “Hello” & ” World” (result will be “Hello World”)
5.Assignment Operator:
Equal to (=): Used to assign a value to a variable or a cell. For example: variable = 10 or Range(“A1”).Value = 10